Finally a fun and engaging resource that provides a life skill that businesses are looking for in potential candidates that is rarely taught. These 5 lessons provide real world hands on experience for the students to comprehend what it would be like living in the business world and applying the necessary skill to succeed.
These common core hands-on lessons focus on student’s understanding the meaning and the actions of emotional intelligence, while engaging in group activities.
They will define emotional intelligence, research the characteristics and definitions and apply examples of actions to improve their emotional intelligence skills.
The students will discuss the warm-ups by attending a simulated business/team meeting with the class. Students will focus on learning Microsoft Office tips and then produce an emotional intelligence characteristics and definitions worksheet.
These are interactive lessons that students enjoy and feel excited learning in the classroom, that include rubrics and assessments. You can even use as a pre-test and a post test. It also incorporates a student-centered classroom where students feel they have a purpose a a place associated with their own learning.
You will see an arrow and the word TIP: or BOSS TIP: on occasion throughout the lesson and that will provide you with helpful tips to better facilitate the delivery of content or simply remember a specific life skills example that I may use in the classroom. These tips will encourage you to feel more comfortable in adding real world business knowledge within your classroom environment.
- Students will understand the importance of how emotional intelligence is instituted in everyday life, as well as the business world.
- Students will memorize the definition of emotional intelligence through a group activity.
- Students will observe a role-play example of emotional intelligence.
- Students will take a quiz on the definition of emotional intelligence.
- Students will have the opportunity to demonstrate a business manager role as if it’s in the real world.
- Students will complete a quiz on the definition of emotional intelligence from Lesson Students will participate in an emotional intelligence (EI) characteristics and definitions group activity.
- Students will work in groups to learn the definitions and characteristics of emotional intelligence.
- Students will complete the 15 emotional intelligences (EI) and definitions matching worksheet with a partner.
- Students will understand the importance of how emotional intelligence is instituted in everyday life, as well as the business world.
- Students will observe a role-play using examples of emotional intelligence.
- Students will take a TEST on matching (EI) characteristics and definitions from Lesson.
- Students will create their own (EI) characteristics silly word through a worksheet activity.
- Students will list their (EI) characteristics silly word on the dry erase board for the class to view.
- Students will observe a comparison between their peer’s silly words.
- Students will work with a partner to share the emotional intelligence SILLY WORD that they created and then generate a specific strategy to memorize all the (EI) characteristics.
- Students will attend a business meeting setting as if they were employed in the real business world.
- Students will understand clear and concise oral directions and then apply the emotional intelligence characteristics to an accomplished Microsoft Office WORD task.
- Students will receive a tips reference worksheet for inserting Microsoft Office WORD tables.
- Students will review and demonstrate how to insert a Microsoft Office table into a WORD document.
- Students will demonstrate how to shade, bold, italicize, center, change font color and size, and number text in an emotional intelligence document.
- Students will research the 15 characteristic definitions of emotional intelligence on the internet and input the definitions.
- Students will formulate their own emotional intelligence Microsoft Office WORD document by inserting a table and typing in the characteristics and definitions.
- Students will understand the importance of how emotional intelligence is instituted in everyday life, as well as, the business world.
- Students will role-play using examples of emotional intelligence.
- Students will acquire emotional intelligence examples through a cutting and pasting activity.
- Students will generate their own emotional intelligence composite profile with their own emotional intelligence examples.
- Students will peer score the emotional intelligence composite profile by utilizing a rubric.
- Students will engage in taking an emotional intelligence QUIZ.